Senin, 11 Februari 2013

Drama for 2 people

One evening, snow is begin to fall outside. Mrs. David would like to give  food for Molly. Molly is Mrs. David’s dog. Mrs. David was looking for her dog everywhere and shouted its name, but she couldn’t find it. So, she call the Police Station.
Mrs. David   : Molly, come here! I will give you some food, the food is very delicious, nyam nyam    nyam ..., come here! Ok, I will approach you, Molly, oh no, the door of kennel is open. Where are you Molly? Oh no... Molly is lost. I will call the Police Station.
Mrs. David   : Hello, good evening. It is a Police Station?
Police           : Hello, good evening. Yes, can I help you?
Mrs. David   : My dog is lost. Can you help me to find my dog?
Police          : Yes, of course. But to find your dog, I must have the characteristic of your dog. So,  you must come here!
Mrs. David   : Ok. 30 minutes later I will arrive in Police Station.
30 minutes later...
Police           : Good evening Madam.
Mrs. David   : Good evening, last I had call this Police Station.
Police           : Ow, sit down please. Can I help you?
Mrs. David   : Yes, my dog is lost.
Police           : What does your dog look like?
Mrs. David   : Well, let me tell you about my dog.
Police           : Ok, when you are tell me, I will type it.
Mrs. David   : His name is Molly. He wear a blue necklace with a liontin.His fur is not too thick. The color oh his body is white and at the left and right of his body is black. Around of his eyes and ears is dark brown. His ears are thin and wide. His tail is long and the color is black and white.
Police          : Ok, I will say back. His name is Molly. He wear a blue necklace with a liontin.His fur is not too thick. The color oh his body is white and at the left and right of his body is black. Around of his eyes and ears is dark brown. His ears are thin and wide. His tail is long and the color is black and white.
Mrs. David   : Yes, right. That’s all of the characteristic of Molly.
Police          : I have a question, please you answer! When and where you see your dog before he lost?
Mrs. David   : In his kennel.
Police           : Where is your home?
Mrs. David   : My home is at Sriwijaya street number 40.
Police           : Ok, thank’s for your information.
Mrs. David   : Sir, please find my dog. If you find my dog, please you call me in 012-678.
Police           : Ok, I will give information.
2 weeks later...
Police          : Oh, where is Molly? Hey, I think he is Molly. I will call Mrs. David. Hello, Mrs. David, I ‘ve found your dog. Please come to Pahlawan street. I am is beside the STAR Supermarket.
Mrs. David   : Really?
Police           : Yes!
Mrs. David   : Oh, thank you so much! I will go there!
          20 minutes later...
Police           : Hello, Madam! I think he is Molly.
Mrs. David   : Hello! Yes right, she is my dog, Molly. Come on Molly! Oh, Sir. Thank you so much for your help. I will give you some money. It is for you, Sir.
Police          : Oh, no, no, no! I can’t accept it. Helping the community is our duty as the police. Ok, I will back to the Police Station. Good bye, Madam!
Mrs. David   : Oh, you are a very very good police. Good bye! Thank you!
Police           : You’re welcome.

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